Barcode scanning

Using machine learning, a device’s live camera can read data encoded in most standard barcode formats.


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Barcodes are a simple, convenient way of transferring complex or structured data from the real world to a device. ML Kit’s Barcode Scanning API allows your app to read most standard barcode formats without having users switch to a separate barcode-reading application.

Scanning barcodes can help users with simple identification and content tasks, such as looking up a product to purchase, accessing event details, or completing a form.

These design guidelines address barcode scanning using a live camera feed.

Barcode scanning provides users with a convenient alternative to manually searching for product information or entering data.


Design for this feature is based on the following principles...

Design for this feature is based on the following principles:

Navigate with a device camera

Instead of typing a search term, the device camera is used as a “remote control” to scan barcodes.

To educate users about how to scan barcodes with their camera, provide onboarding and persistent instructions.

A brief, animated onboarding experience can describe how to scan a barcode by having users correctly position their device camera.

Keep camera clear and legible

Align the camera UI components to the top and bottom edges of the screen, ensuring that text and icons remain legible when placed in front of an image.

Any non-actionable elements displayed in front of the live camera feed should be translucent to minimize obstructing the camera.

Most elements of the experience are placed along the top and bottom edges of the screen to maximize viewing the camera’s feed.

Provide feedback

Using a camera to scan barcodes introduces unique usage requirements. Image quality needs to be adequate, and users need to be aware of how to fix image issues caused by lighting or too much distance from a barcode.

Error states should be communicated with multiple design cues (such as components and motion) and include explanations of how users can improve their search.

The barcode frame and tooltip both indicate the user needs to move closer to “complete” scanning the barcode.


Live camera barcode scanning uses existing Material Design components and new elements specific to camera interaction. For code samples and demos of new elements (such as the barcode frame), check out the source code for the ML Kit Material Design showcase app on Android.

Key elements across the stages of a barcode scanning experience:
1. Top app bar
2. Barcode frame
3. Tooltip
4. Modal bottom sheet

Top app bar

The top app bar provides persistent access to the following actions...

The top app bar provides persistent access to the following actions:

  • A button to exit the search experience
  • A toggle to improve brightness (using the camera’s flash)
  • A Help section for troubleshooting search issues

DoUse a gradient scrim or solid color for the top app bar’s container to ensure its actions are legible over a camera feed.

Barcode frame

ML Kit’s Object Detection & Tracking API contains an option to detect a “prominent object.”

The barcode frame is an area in the center of the screen where the user can scan a barcode. By default, the frame is a square, but its size and aspect ratio should be adjusted by your app to match supported barcode types.

It serves three purposes:

  1. Confirmation: The frame shape fits the dimension of a single barcode, so it’s clear that only one barcode can be scanned at a time.
  2. Legibility: While simple barcode formats can be read from a distance, complex barcode formats (such as PDF417) may need a closer, higher-quality image to be accurately read. By placing a partial detection border over the barcode frame, the UI indicates that the user should move closer to scan.
  3. Activity: The border of the frame pulses during the “sensing” phase to indicate the app is looking for barcodes to scan.
The barcode frame provides an animated guide that shows: where a barcode should be scanned, if it needs to be enlarged, and the current state of the scan.
States of the barcode frame:

1. Sensing uses a pulsing animation to indicate the app is looking for barcodes to scan
2. Display a partial border over the frame (along with a tooltip) to indicate a user needs to move closer to a barcode
3. Searching is expressed through an indeterminate progress indicator across the barcode frame
4. Errors transform the continuous barcode frame stroke style to a dotted style


Tooltips display informative text to users.

Tooltips display informative text to users. For example, they express both states (displaying a message like “Searching…”) and prompt the user to the next step (displaying a message like, “Point your camera at a barcode”).

DoWrite short messages using terms appropriate for your audience.
Don'tDon’t write tooltips with action verbs, such as “Tap to search,” as they are not actionable.
Don'tDon’t place error messages in a tooltip. Errors should be placed in a banner for increased emphasis and space to display actions.

Modal bottom sheet

Modal bottom sheets provide access to visual search results.

Modal bottom sheets provide access to a barcode’s information while the user remains in the barcode scanning feature. The bottom sheet’s layout and content depend on the type of data returned by the barcode, for example:

  • Structured data (such as contact information) can be displayed in text fields for scanning and editing
  • Information from a database should be displayed in a style appropriate to viewing the content. Content types will vary. For example, social media content will have a different structure than content from a retail product.

Displaying results

If it’s faster or easier for the user to complete their task on another screen in an app, present the barcode information on that screen instead of a modal bottom sheet. Refer to the Experience section for more information on when and where in the app to communicate barcode information.

Text fields are well-suited to presenting structured data in a bottom sheet. Each field label and input can communicate a data “key” and its “value”, such as the name of a Wi-Fi network .

The layout of a modal bottom sheet can be customized to match a barcode’s information, such as a social media user profile.


Live camera barcode scanning happens in three phases:

  1. Sense: Use the camera to look for input
  2. Recognize: Detect a barcode
  3. Communicate: Display barcode results in-line or on another screen


Barcode scanning begins when a user opens the barcode feature in an app.

“Sensing” refers to the camera looking for barcodes in the live camera feed. Barcode scanning begins when a user opens the barcode feature in an app.

During this phase, the app should:

  • Describe how the feature works
  • Communicate the app’s actions
  • Guide adjustments to how the user controls the camera
DoExplain the interaction with a one-screen onboarding experience. Animation is recommended to demonstrate to a user how to move their device.
DoCommunicate that the app is looking for barcodes. The barcode frame uses a pulsing animation to indicate the app is “scanning” the camera feed, along with a tooltip prompting the user to center a barcode in the frame.

Guide adjustments

Environmental conditions can make it difficult to scan a barcode, such as locations that are too bright or too dark.

A Help section can help users identify and resolve problems with their experience. It can provide education on topics like proper camera angles, distance, and lighting conditions.


When a barcode has been detected by the camera, the app should...

When a barcode has been detected by the camera, the app should:

  • Pause the camera and read the barcode’s value
  • Display the value immediately if it’s structured data
  • Search and display search progress if the barcode’s value needs to be looked up

In this phase, a barcode is detected in the camera and read by the Barcode Scanning API. The camera feed pauses to prevent scanning another barcode.

Barcodes containing structured data recognized by the API (such as location coordinates and calendar events) can be presented immediately to the user. If a barcode’s data is unstructured, its detailed information is retrieved from a database. The app displays a loading state while this information is retrieved.

DoUse multiple design methods to indicate a supported barcode has been detected. The barcode frame’s border turns from transparent to opaque while the camera feed pauses.
DoIf your app needs to look up a barcode’s value, display an indeterminate progress indicator and tooltip message to indicate that results are pending.

Make corrections

The detection of a barcode doesn’t guarantee your app will find results. The following issues could occur:

  • No relevant results: A barcode that scans successfully might not contain information relevant to your app or use case, such as scanning a barcode from an unrelated source.
  • Lost network connection: If the barcode’s value is looked up in an online database, the data request can fail without an internet connection.
  • Small barcode size: While simple barcode formats can be read from a distance, complex barcode formats (such as PDF417) may require a closer, higher-quality image to be read. To indicate the user must move closer to the barcode before it can be scanned, set a minimum scanning size for your app’s accepted barcode formats and use multiple design cues (such as in the barcode frame and tooltip).
DoUse a banner to indicate if no matching objects were identified. Provide options to visit a dedicated Help section or retry with another image.
DoSet a minimum scanning size for your app’s accepted barcode formats to ensure they are accurately scanned. Instruct the user to move closer to the barcode until it reaches the minimum scanning size.


Results from a barcode scan are displayed in a number of possible ways...

Results from a barcode scan are displayed in a number of possible ways:

  • In front of the camera (in a modal bottom sheet or dialog)
  • Upon exiting the barcode scanning feature, on the screen where the barcode information can be used

To tailor the UI to your barcode use case, these navigation patterns and components are recommended:

Use case example Remain in barcode scanner? Results display location

Browse products in a store

Yes Modal bottom sheet
Add a contact Yes, until the user saves it

Modal bottom sheet or a full-screen dialog

Complete a form No, return to the form

Fill the relevant fields in form for the user

DoDisplay barcode results over the camera so that users can scan more items without reopening the scanner.
DoEditing and saving information (such as a new contact) can be done quickly in the barcode scanner. Present structured data in editable text fields, with an option to save and exit the scanner.
DoScanning a barcode can provide an alternative to manually filling out fields in a form. After scanning is successful, the user should be returned to the form to complete their task.


Shrine Material theme

Barcode scanning is used in the Shrine app’s purchase flow.

Barcode scanning is used in the Shrine app’s purchase flow.

Shrine’s barcode scrim and tooltip text are emphasized with dark colors that contrast with their light backgrounds.
Visual search results use Shrine’s brand colors, typography, and shape styles.

Barcode Frame

Shrine’s barcode frame uses its On Primary color for its scrim. The frame border has sharp corners that express the brand logo’s geometric shape.

1. The baseline barcode frame uses #000000 for its scrim color with a rounded frame border.
2. Shrine’s barcode frame uses Shrine Pink 900 (#442C2E) for its scrim color with a sharp frame border.


Shrine’s tooltip is emphasized by using custom colors, typography, and placement.

1. Tooltips are typically low-emphasis components whose width is based on their text.
2. Shrine’s tooltip uses custom colors, typography, and extends its container to the edges of the screen.

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