Building From the Latest Source

If you'll be contributing to the library, or need a version newer than what has been released, Material Components for Android can also be built from source. To do so:

Clone the repository:

Then, build the library's AARs using Gradle:

Note: To make sure that your local version of MDC-Android will get used and not conflict with existing releases, consider changing the version specified as mdcLibraryVersion in the library's top-level build.gradle file to something unique before running the above command.

This will output AARs and Maven artifacts for each of the library's modules to the local Maven repository on your machine (~/.m2/repository).

To use the AARs in your app locally, add mavenLocal() as a repository in your project's top-level build.gradle file. Finally, add the MDC-Android library dependency as you would normally, using the version specified as mdcLibraryVersion in the library's top-level build.gradle file.

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