Authoring Components
This document serves as a reference for developing components either directly for MDC Web or external components that would like to interface with the MDC Web ecosystem.
Please note that since this project is still in its early stages of development, these practices may be subject to change. They will stabilize as we near towards a full release.
Authoring Components Who this document is for How to build a component What makes a good component General Best Practices Authoring components for MDC Web File Structure License Stanzas Scss Javascript Define a static attachTo(root) method for every component Define a defaultAdapter getter for every foundation Define all exported CSS classes, strings, and numbers as foundation constants. Extend components and foundations from mdc-base classes. Packages must be registered with our build infrastructure, and with material-components-web pkg TypeScript Compatibility
Who this document is for
The first two sections of this document describe general guidelines for how to think about building a component, as well as criteria for what makes a good component. Anyone interested in building components either directly for MDC Web or as an external component that plays well within the MDC Web ecosystem should find it useful. The third section talks about authoring components specifically for MDC Web, and is best suited for those looking to contribute directly to the project.
Note that this document assumes you are familiar with the library and its
How to build a component
This section outlines the thought process behind authoring new components for MDC Web. It is
inspired by React's
Starting out from nothing and going straight to a component/adapter/foundation implementation can be at the best daunting, at worst completely impossible from a productivity and experimentation standpoint. Often times, you'll want to build a prototype component in the most straightforward way possible, and then work your way back towards a foundation and adapter. We usually take the following steps.
To demonstrate this approach, we will build a red-blue toggle, very simple toggle button that toggles between a red background with blue text, and vice versa. While not a Material Design component, it demonstrates the concepts of how to think about building for MDC Web.
Start with a simple component prototype
When first starting out on a component, start by building a prototype using vanilla
HTML/CSS/Javascript, without worrying about any foundations or adapters. Below is the prototype code
for our redblue-toggle, which you may also
TIP: When prototyping your own components, you can use
this Codepen template as a starting point.
Start out by experimenting with a DOM structure, and writing a simple prototype component to test out the dynamic functionality.
<div class="redblue-toggle" role="button" aria-pressed="false">
Toggle <span class="redblue-toggle__color">Blue</span>
class RedblueTogglePrototype {
get toggled() {
return this.root.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'true';
set toggled(toggled) {
constructor(root) {
this.root = root;
this.clickHandler = () => this.toggle();
initialize() {
this.root.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
destroy() {
this.root.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
toggle(isToggled = undefined) {
const wasToggledExplicitlySet = isToggled === Boolean(isToggled);
const toggled = wasToggledExplicitlySet ? isToggled : !this.toggled;
const toggleColorEl = this.root.querySelector('.redblue-toggle__color');
let toggleColor;
this.root.setAttribute('aria-pressed', String(toggled));
if (toggled) {
toggleColor = 'Red';
} else {
toggleColor = 'Blue';
toggleColorEl.textContent = toggleColor;
new RedblueTogglePrototype(document.querySelector('.redblue-toggle'));
Note how the JS Component does not reference MDC Web in any way, nor does it have any notion of foundations or adapters. By omitting this work, you can rapidly experiment with your component, incorporating changes quickly and easily. Nonetheless, the way the component is prototype looks quite similar to the way that the MDC Web component will eventually be built.
Identify host environment interactions
Once you're satisfied with your prototype, the next step is to figure out what functionality will need to be proxied through an adapter. Any direct interactions with the host environment will need to be proxied, so that our foundations will be able to integrate into all frameworks across the web platform.
As mentioned in our architecture doc, the term host environment refers to the context in which the component is used. It could be the browser, a server which the component is being rendered on, a Virtual DOM environment, or even a mobile application in the case of technologies like
React-Native .
For the redblue-toggle, it's pretty easy to see all of the instances where we interact with the host environment: it occurs every place we read from or write to our root node.
- Updating aria-pressed when toggled via setAttribute
- Updating the classes on the root node when toggled via classList.{add,remove}.
- Setting the textContent of the child color indicator element when toggled.
- Adding/removing event listeners on the root node within initialize()/destroy() respectively.
In other cases, host environment interaction may not be straightforward, such as window.addEventListener('resize', ...). These are also examples of host environment interaction and must be taken into account.
Create the adapter interface
Now that the host environment interactions are identified, an adapter interface can be carved out within our existing component.
class RedblueTogglePrototype {
get toggled() {
return SOMEHOW_GET_ATTRIBUTE('aria-pressed') === 'true';
set toggled(toggled) {
constructor(root) {
this.root = root;
this.clickHandler = () => this.toggle();
initialize() {
this.root.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
destroy() {
this.root.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
toggle(isToggled = undefined) {
const wasToggledExplicitlySet = isToggled === Boolean(isToggled);
const toggled = wasToggledExplicitlySet ? isToggled : !this.toggled;
let toggleColor;
SOMEHOW_SET_ATTRIBUTE('aria-pressed', String(toggled));
if (toggled) {
toggleColor = 'Red';
} else {
toggleColor = 'Blue';
In the code above all of the host environment interactions have been replaced with fake SOMEHOW_* methods. We can now take these fake methods and transform them into an adapter interface.
Fake Method Signature | Adapter Method Signature |
SOMEHOW_GET_ATTRIBUTE(attr: string) => string | getAttr(attr: string) => string |
SOMEHOW_SET_ATTRIBUTE(attr: string, value: string) | setAttr(attr: string, value: string) |
SOMEHOW_ADD_CLASS(className: string) | addClass(className: string) |
SOMEHOW_REMOVE_CLASS(className: string) | removeClass(className: string) |
SOMEHOW_UPDATE_TOGGLE_COLOR_TEXT_CONTENT(textContent: string) | setToggleColorTextContent(textContent: string) |
Note: We no longer recommend using registerInteractionHandler and deregisterInteractionHandler as adapter methods for adding/removing generic event listeners. Event handling varies significantly across frameworks (e.g.,
React Synthetic Events ), so we recommend managing events in the component layer.
Refactor your existing code into a foundation
Now that our adapter API is defined, our existing code can be reworked into a foundation class. As a convention in our codebase, we define a static defaultAdapter getter that returns an adapter with NOP signatures for each function. This helps us verify the shape of the adapter, prevent adapters from throwing errors when methods are forgotten, and in the future can (and should) be used to build out lint tools to enforce proper adapter shape. This example shows that, as well as making use of our MDCFoundation class, which is the base class which all foundations inherit from.
class RedblueToggleFoundation extends MDCFoundation {
static get defaultAdapter() {
return {
getAttr: (attr: string) => '',
setAttr: (attr: string, value: string) => undefined,
addClass: (className: string) => undefined,
removeClass: (className: string) => undefined,
setToggleColorTextContent: (textContent: string) => undefined,
registerInteractionHandler: (type: string, handler: EventListener) => undefined,
deregisterInteractionHandler: (type: string, handler: EventListener) => undefined,
private toggled = false;
constructor(adapter) {
super({...RedblueToggleFoundation.defaultAdapter, ...adapter});
handleClick() {
isToggled() {
return this.adapter.getAttr('aria-pressed') === 'true';
private toggle(isToggled = undefined) {
const wasToggledExplicitlySet = isToggled === Boolean(isToggled);
this.toggled = wasToggledExplicitlySet ? isToggled : !this.toggled;
let toggleColor;
this.adapter.setAttr('aria-pressed', String(this.toggled));
if (this.toggled) {
toggleColor = 'Red';
} else {
toggleColor = 'Blue';
Note how isToggled() and toggle() are used in place of setters and getters. Given that a foundation is a lower-level API, we feel that this convention is appropriate.
Build a component on top of that foundation, providing an adapter
The last step is simply to build your actual component using the foundation above. The component has two main jobs:
- Provide an idiomatic interface to the foundation's functionality within the host environment
- Provide an adapter to the foundation that will allow it to work within the host environment
Since this component is a vanilla component, it should be modeled after the vanilla DOM API, which favors getters and setters to implement its functionality (think checked, disabled, etc.). Our adapter is extremely straightforward as we can simply repurpose the methods we started out with.
class RedblueToggle extends MDCComponent {
initialize() {
destroy() {
get toggled() {
set toggled(toggled) {;
getDefaultFoundation() {
return new RedblueToggleFoundation({
getAttr: attr => this.root.getAttribute(attr),
setAttr: (attr, value) => this.root.setAttribute(attr, value),
addClass: className => this.root.classList.add(className),
removeClass: className => this.root.classList.remove(className),
setToggleColorTextContent: textContent => {
this.root.querySelector('.redblue-toggle__color').textContent = textContent;
You can view a
What makes a good component
These additional guidelines provide a "checklist" of sorts when building your own components. We strictly adhere to them within our codebase, and doing the same will ensure an enjoyable experience for your component's consumers.
Fully tested code
ECMAScript, by design, is a dynamic and flexible language. The benefits of this dynamicism and flexibility come at the cost of verifying the correctness of your program. The only way to ensure that your code will behave as expected is to execute that code and verify that the results are those you expect. Strive for 100% test coverage for your foundations, adapters, and components.
Thoroughly documented and strictly versioned adapter interface
Since framework authors will be designing code around your adapter interface, it's important that you provide all information necessary for them to do so. Our recommended approach is to document the adapter's interface within a component's README, providing both the method signature as well as the expected behavior of the method.
Equally important is to strictly version your adapter interfaces. Changes to your adapter interface - even associative ones - have the potential to break existing implementations or trick implementors into thinking their code is working as expected whereas they may be missing a key aspect of the component due to having failed to implement a new adapter method. We consider each change to an adapter interface a breaking change, and recommend this approach.
We require all of our core components to be fully accessible. We implement
RTL Awareness
Components should be RTL-aware. That is, there should be some sort of strategy a component uses to
detect whether or not it is in an RTL context, and make proper adjustments accordingly. We use
Support for theming
A component should be able to be altered according to a theme. A theme can be defined any way
you wish. It may be by using primary and secondary colors, or you may choose to expose scss
variables or CSS Custom properties specific to your component. Whichever way you choose, ensure that
clients can easily alter common aesthetic elements of your component to make it fit with their
overall design. We use
General Best Practices
Even when a component satisfies all of the above requirements, it may still run into pitfalls. Follow the recommendations below to avoid pitfalls and unintended situations as much as possible.
Just like with any set of best practices, it is important to keep in mind that these are guidelines, not hard and fast rules.
If a best practice prevents you from improving or maintaining your component, ignore it . However, justify your slight, preferably in the form of documentation or a code comment.
Do what the user expects
This is our "golden rule", if you will. Design your component APIs to be intuitive and easy-to-understand. Ensure that your components behave in a way a user could predict. For example, the checked getter on MDCCheckbox returns a boolean indicating whether or not the internal state of the checkbox is checked. It does not produce side effects, and functions in exactly the sameway HTMLInputElement.prototype.checked functions when its type is set to "checkbox". When designing your components, model them after the environment you expect your users to use them in. In our case, our vanilla components are modeled after the DOM APIs.
Design adapter interfaces to be simple and intuitive
This follows the above practice of doing what the user expects. Since library consumers will be implementing the adapter methods, they should be simple to implement as well as straightforward and intuitive in nature. Most adapter methods should be one-liners, such as "add a class" or "update a style property." Users should not have to guess about what the purpose of an adapter method is, nor what its expected input and output should be.
For example, a good adapter interface method might be
Method Signature | Description |
setStyle(styleProperty: string, value: string) => void | Sets a style on the root element given a dasherized styleProperty as well as a value for that property. |
As opposed to a bad adapter interface like the one below
Method Signature | Description |
applyComponentStyles() => void | Sets the correct styles on the component's root element. Consult our documentation for more info. |
The above adapter interface is more suited for a foundation method. The adapter's sole responsibility should be performing the style updates, not determining what they are.
Do not reference host objects within foundation code
To ensure your foundation is as compatible with as many frameworks as possible, avoid directly referencing host objects within them. This includes window, document, console, and others. Only reference global objects defined within the ECMAScript specification within your foundations.
We make an exception for this rule for requestAnimationFrame, but in the future we may refactor that out as well. In addition, a workaround to working with host objects in a foundation is to ask for them via the adapter.
Clean up all references on destruction
This includes event handlers, timer IDs, animation frame IDs, and any other external references that may be retained. There are two accurate litmus tests to ensure this is being done:
- init() (or initialize() in a vanilla component) and destroy() are reflexive. For example, any event listeners attached in init() are removed in destroy().
- Every call which creates an external reference (e.g. setTimeout(), requestAnimationFrame()) is kept track of, and cleaned up within destroy. For example, every setTimeout() call should have its ID retained by the foundation/component, and have clearTimeout() called on it within destroy.
Authoring components for MDC Web
The following guidelines are for those who wish to contribute directly to MDC Web. In addition to adhering to all of the practices above, we have additional conventions we expect contributors to adhere to. It's worth noting that most of these conventions - including our coding style, commit message format, and test coverage - are automatically enforced via linters, both so that contributors can move quickly and confidently, and core team members do not have to waste time and energy nitpicking on pull requests.
File Structure
- Source files: Reside under packages/.
- Test files: Reside under packages/<mdc-component>/test/.
A typical component within our codebase looks like so:
├── mdc-component/
├── test/
├── foundation.test.ts # Unit tests for the component's foundation
├── mdc-component.test.ts # Unit tests for the component
├── # Usage instructions and API documentation
├── adapter.ts # Adapter interface implemented by framework wrappers and the vanilla component
├── foundation.ts # Framework-agnostic business logic used by wrapper libraries and the vanilla component
├── component.ts # Vanilla component and adapter implementations for clients who aren't using a framework
├── constants.ts # Constant values used by one or more files in the package (e.g., cssClasses, strings, numbers)
├── index.ts # Forwards exports from other files in the package (adapter, foundation, component, util, etc.)
├── types.ts # (optional) Contains types and interfaces exposed in public APIs unrelated to the vanilla component
├── util.ts # (optional) Framework-agnostic helper functions (e.g., feature detection)
├── mdc-component.scss # The main source file for the component's CSS
└── package.json # The components package file
Every component must have these files before we will accept a PR for them.
When contributing a new component, we encourage you to look at existing components to get a better sense of our conventions. Your new component should "blend in" with all existing components.
Additionally, all new components require the following within their package.json:
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
This is needed so that lerna will be able to automatically publish new scoped packages.
We also require a list of keywords for each package. This list should always include material components and material design, followed by the component name:
"keywords": [
"material components",
"material design",
For example, if you are building a checkbox component, keywords would include material components, material design, and checkbox
Below is an example of what a full package.json should look like for a new component:
"name": "@material/example",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "The Material Components for the web example component",
"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"material components",
"material design",
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
License Stanzas
We are required to put the following at the top of every source code file, including tests, demos, and demo html. The stanza is as follows:
Copyright <YEAR> Google Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Please put this in a comment at the top of every source file, replacing <YEAR> with the year the file was created.
Separate reusable variables and mixins from main scss
If variables and mixins are intended to be used outside of a single stylesheet, refactor them out
Follow the BEM Pattern
We follow a modified version of the
.mdc-block {
.mdc-block__element {
.mdc-block--modifier {
Usually, we structure it within our code as such:
.mdc-block {
// ...
&__element {
// ...
.mdc-block--modifier {
// ...
.mdc-block__element {
// ...
Sometimes, you'll need to qualify selectors, which such as .some-context .mdc-block {/* ... */}. Stylelint will complain about this, which you can disable by inserting the following:
// stylelint-disable plugin/selector-bem-pattern
// styles select-bem-pattern complains about...
// stylelint-enable plugin/selector-bem-pattern
Use mdc-theme for theming
All thematic elements of a component should be specified via
Use mdc-rtl for RTL support
All RTL treatments within a component's style should be specified via
Define a static attachTo(root) method for every component
All components must define a static attachTo method with the following signature:
static attachTo(element: HTMLElement) => Constructor
class MDCNewComponent extends MDCComponent {
static attachTo(root) {
return new MDCNewComponent(root);
mdc-auto-init requires this method to be present, and we guarantee its provision as a convenience to our users. We have spoken about writing a lint rule for this in the future.
Define a defaultAdapter getter for every foundation
All foundations must define a static defaultAdapter method which returns an adapter with all
functions defined. The functions should essentially be NOPs; taking no parameters and returning the
correct type (e.g. false for boolean, 0 for number, {} for object, etc.). Our convention is
to annotate the function via inline comments using
It is also a convention to override a foundation's constructor to mix in the passed adapter param to a default adapter object. This ensures that the adapter is guaranteed to have the correct shape.
class MDCNewComponentFoundation extends MDCFoundation {
static get defaultAdapter() {
return {
addClass: (/* className: string */) => {},
getAttr: (/* attr: string */) => /* string */ '',
// ...
constructor(adapter) {
super(MDCNewComponentFoundation.defaultAdapter, adapter});
This of course comes at the cost of potentially obscuring erroneous passed in adapters. However, we plan on providing type definitions for adapters in the future to help assuage this. Similar to the aforementioned rule, we would also like to provide lint rules to enforce these conventions.
Define all exported CSS classes, strings, and numbers as foundation constants.
- All CSS Classes referenced by a component's foundation must be referenced by a cssClasses static getter.
- All strings that are used outside the context of the foundation class (CSS selectors, custom event names, text that could potentially be localized, etc.) must be referenced by a strings static getter.
- All semantic numbers leveraged by the foundation (timeout lengths, transition durations, etc.) must be referenced by a numbers static getter.
- These constants should be defined within a constants.ts file, and then proxied through the foundation.
// constants.ts
export const cssClasses = {
ROOT: 'mdc-new-component',
ACTIVE: 'mdc-new-component--active',
DISABLED: 'mdc-new-component--disabled',
export const strings = {
CHILD_SELECTOR: '.mdc-new-component__child',
CUSTOM_EVENT: 'MDCNewComponent:event',
export const numbers = {
// foundation.ts
import {cssClasses, strings, numbers} from './constants';
class MDCNewComponentFoundation extends MDCFoundation {
static get defaultAdapter() {
// ...
static get cssClasses() {
return cssClasses;
static get strings() {
return strings;
static get numbers() {
return numbers;
The primary purpose of this is so that our components can interoperate with aspects of Google's
front-end infrastructure, such as Closure Stylesheets'
Extend components and foundations from mdc-base classes.
To ensure that all packages behave consistently, all components must extend MDCComponent and all
foundations must extend MDCFoundation. More information for both of these classes can be found in
Packages must be registered with our build infrastructure, and with material-components-web pkg
Whenever you create a new component, it's important to notify the proper tools and packages of it. Concretely:
- Ensure that an entry for it exists in webpack.config.js for the js-components and css module
- Ensure that it is added as a dependency of material-components-web. If the component contains styles, ensure that they are @imported within material-components-web.scss. If the component contains javascript, ensure that its component namespace is exported within material-components-web, and it is registered with mdc-auto-init. Lastly, remember to add it to package.json of material-components-web.
- Ensure that the correct commit subject for the package is added to the config.validate-commit-msg.scope.allowed array within the top-level package.json at the root of the repo. The commit subject is the name the component, without the mdc-/@material/. E.g., for mdc-icon-button, the correct subject is icon-button.
TypeScript Compatibility
All core MDC Web components must be fully compatible with strict-mode
The following guidelines should be used to help write tests for MDC Web code. Our tests are written
using the
Verify foundation's adapters
When testing foundations, ensure that at least one of your test cases uses the
verifyDefaultAdapter method defined with our
Use helper methods
We have helper modules within
Use getFixture for DOM fixture
To generate fixtures for component/adapter tests, use the
Always clean up the DOM after every test
This is important. Before a test ends, ensure that any elements attached to the DOM have been removed.